Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fantasia, This Ain't

So. I bought a swimsuit tonight. I kind of look like the hippo from Fantasia. Only less cute.

But I HOPE it will be worth it. This Tuesday, I am going to my first ever water aerobics class. 

I have always been interested in water aerobics because it just seems so much more doable than walking 5 miles. Well last week, I heard two girls talking as they left work about heading to a water aerobics class. (One of them was the same girl who told me about the Zumba class.) This class is close to the school, at 7:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, only $29 a month, and you can try it out for free.


My sister Laura is coming with me again. And one of the girls from work goes every time, so she will be there too. I'm nervous, but kind of excited too. It's at the local community college and I don't know my way around the campus, but surely there are signs for the pool.

I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay! I hope you love it! AND, you can come swim with me! Also, I'm glad you had a good WW week!