Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back To School (And Back in WW)

Okay, first things first. It was a pretty good week as far as Weight Watchers goes. If you have never been in the program, I'll let you in on a little secret: the first week, most people lose big. I think it's just the drastic cutback on food that most people experience when starting up. I think when I am eating all the time, there is always food in my body being digested (nice pic?), but when I am eating smaller portions less frequently, the extra food in my system isn't a problem anymore. That's my theory anyway. So this week I lost 5.4 pounds. I'm extremely thankful for that. I thought maybe since I am older this time around I might not have a big loss my first week, but it was encouraging to get my first 5 pound star.

I was hungry pretty often last week, but not miserable. I had lots of fruit and am working on getting more veggies in. Lots of water too. And hardly any soda, which I had been having much more of recently. I am not completely off of soda, but I am trying to be VERY sparing in that department. I know that it makes a difference. Not just the no soda, but the more water the better!

I am going to do my best this week! We will see what that means on the scale Saturday morning. By the way, have I mentioned that our scale is broken? First let me say that I LOVE that I have a husband who when I say "I have gained some weight", he heads straight to the bathroom to declare our scale broken. Now listen. I know for a fact that it was working just fine when last I stood on it. I'm not saying that he definitely intentionally did damage to the scale so that now it won't turn on, but the thought did cross my mind. If he did, I love him for it! haha. I decided not to rush out and buy a new scale. I thought it might be incentive to go to meetings every week. I will have to actually go to the meeting to see if I had a loss for the week. Interesting! I have always been a daily weigher, and often in the past, I would skip a meeting if my scale at home was up, even though my home scale never matched the WW scale. But now I really am on a weekly plan. The numbers won't keep me from going. Not sure how long I will keep it that way, but for now, I'm scale free at home.

In other news, school starts tomorrow! I have been told that my job will be MUCH easier when school is in session. I am praying that is true. Mostly, I am praying that I can stay focused and remember that I am serving the Lord, first and foremost. He is the one I should seek to please, by doing all things in His name.

The cool thing about working in a school is that it's one more starting point to the year. Everyone has New Years and birthdays to have a "fresh start", but now I have School Year to add to my list of annual passage of time markings. Makem sensum? So this school year, I want to:
1. Be focused on God, even when I am at work.
2. Pray for my teacher friends regularly.
3. Pray for Kyndall and Erin, my two friends who are starting college.
4. Pray WITH my husband and not just FOR my husband.
5. Be whole-heartedly invested in the ministries I am a part of.
6. Continue my regular meetings with my family and friends.
7. Have quality "me time" each week.

To all of my teacher friends out there, I will be partnering in prayer with you this year! I hope it's your best year yet and that you feel like you are making a difference every day at school.

I love you =-)

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