Thursday, December 10, 2009

A New Day

I started this post recapping about my bad day yesterday (which I am happy and hugely thankful to say ended on a good note after a solid hour of crying in my husband's arms and a solid two hours of talking to Jenina), but I'm over it. Yesterday is behind me. Today will be a new day with new joys and new trials. I'm going to just let yesterday lie.

The pound is gone, so this morning the scale repeated what it said Tuesday morning. I'm going to do my best today and hope to report something good in my Weekly Weigh In post tomorrow.

Speaking of weekly weigh-ins, how often do you weigh yourself? In Weight Watchers, while you are losing weight they tell you to only weigh yourself once a week, but when you are on maintenance they tell you to weigh yourself every day so you will have an understanding of how certain foods affect you. I have always been a daily weigher. Jenina got onto me for it last night. She thinks that is a bad idea. And there are definitely arguments that would support her. There are so many tiny little things, not even considering food, that can change what the scale says. When it's too much to understand, why torture yourself every day by trying to? But here's the deal. In the past, when I knew that I wasn't going to be weighed for 7 days, I would eat a little more (on WW that was "using my flex points") for a couple of days and then get serious. So on the two days that I was using my flex, I would gain a little weight, and then have to spend the next three days losing that weight so that I could lose a little bit MORE weight so that on day 7 when I was back on the scale, I would be a little less than the week before.

I want to be accountable for what I eat EVERY day. I don't want to obsess over it, but I want to be intentional. I want to acknowledge how the choices I make are going to affect me. Physically and mentally, ya know?

Okay. Today is a new day. I am going out to eat tonight so I want to make good choices. I have a lot of people to pray for today and I think I am going to finish the book of the Bible that I have been reading this morning. 2 Kings. Pages and pages of people killing the kings and taking over the country. But I read a REALLY good verse two days ago. It was talking about the Israelites and it said "They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless." Hello! That's one to think about!

I hope you have a great Thursday.


Jennifer said...

I weigh myself mid-week to check and see where I am at with things. My weigh-in day at WW is Saturday, so Wednesday I step on the scale and try to adjust my food and workouts accordingly. Then I always go workout on Saturday morning early before WW, and step on the scale one more time so I don't have any surprises. If I got on the scale daily I might go nuts since we all know weight tends to fluctuate for many reasons.

Figure out how it all works best for you, and you'll be fine! :)

Kriss said...

I step on the scale every morning. For me it's a great reminder of how hard I worked to go from 238 to 175. Then it also helps me keep my food in check during the day. I want to beat 175 and be 165. Then some day I hope to be back to 140 and stay there. LOL. -kriss