Monday, December 28, 2009

A Few Quick Words

I still don't have time to write a proper blog, but I'm writing a nice long one in my head! I want to post about the holidays because they were so wonderful. Seeing my family and celebrating with my husband, not boyfriend, was amazing. Waking up with Brett on Christmas morning and realizing that I had a lifetime of this to look forward to was so humbling and so wonderful.

I have lots to tell! Brett's birthday was last Wednesday and we had a BLAST celebrating! And on Thursday we had the big family celebration at my Uncle's. And then Friday we spent several hours at my parents house. And then Saturday we spent all day acquiring my Christmas present. I can't wait to tell you about it! It was SO MUCH FUN!!! I'll tell you this much now: my wardrobe is MUCH improved!

Yesterday was a day of cleaning mostly. Putting up decorations and writing a grocery list... using our lovely new vacuum and our less lovely old toilet brush. haha. I still need to clean the kitchen and showers good but the rest of the place is looking pretty nice!

I will post as soon as I can! Work is going to be pretty crazy for me this week, but if I don't empty out my head now and then, it might just explode! We can't have that!

Hope everyone's week starts out well!

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