Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Times with the Willinghams

I had such a great time last night! I hate the our Houston friends, the Willinghams, had to leave their home and wait for the city to repair and come to life again after the storm, but I am SO happy that we will be seeing them for a few days!

Marie Willingham is one of the coolest ladies I know and I just love getting to know her more and more. And those boys... Ryan is 7 and Josh is 4 and they are just really special kids. Ryan is a really great big brother. He is always looking out for Josh and, even when it is obviously frustrating, he always takes time to tell him which buttons to push on the XBox 360 controller. And Josh... that kid is a hoot! He is still working on pronouns and relationship and getting all of the him and hers right when he talks about people. Last night while we were grilling he told me my dad was really cool for giving them an XBox 360. Yeah. Brett's not my dad. But does the word fiance mean anything to a four year old? Probably not. So I just said thanks as he ran off to chase Ryan.

And Chris Willingham... greatness! He is so honest and open about his life experiences. And he's a great story teller, which I love! They are just a great family! I am so thankful that being a part of Brett's life has brought such amazing people into mine.

I pray that this week is not overwhelming for them as they wait for waters to recede and power to come back so they can go home. But I hope that I take advantage of the time we have been given this week! What a blessing!

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