Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Small Victory

Today is the first day in months that there was food in the office that I did not partake of. There are always donuts on Friday mornings, and 90% of the time, I have one. Well, a teacher of one of the husbands likes to bring donuts by during the week now and then to be nice. Oh my goodness, they smelled so good all day. Donuts are one of those foods that are almost impossible for me to resist. Seriously. But today, I did not donut. I even had to close the school, which meant throwing away the leftovers at the end of the day, and though I opened the box and glanced at them on the way to the dump, I did not pull one out. Thank you, Lord!

I also had a lot of water today and made perfectly respectable choices on all of my meals and even better choices on my snack. It's the best food day I have had in at least a month.

Just wanted to share =-)

1 comment:

Marie said...

Yay! Way to own your food! Even when it calls your name. Keep up the great choices.