Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shocking, I Know!

I'm blogging and it's only been a week! I should be headed to bed right now, but I am serious about getting back to blogging!

So... I've been 30 for 5 days now, and amazingly enough, the world has not stopped spinning. Who would have thought? Tuesday birthdays are kind of a bummer, but my friends and family really made it special. The day started with Brett getting up extra early to bring me breakfast before I went to work. Then when I got to work, I was so surprised and so humbled. Michelle, who I work in the office with (and I refer to as my partner in crime when I talk about her in my head) had decorated my corner of the office with streamers and signs and all kinds of birthday hullaballoo! There was even a sign in the bathroom! I also received gifts from three co-workers before the day was over. It was so sweet. Never have I worked at a job where the employees cared so much for each other. I am so thankful for God's blessings in my work life.

I also had a nice surprise in the afternoon when Brett brought me 18 of the most beautiful roses I have ever received! They are still alive and kicking, making my kitchen smell sweet. After work, we went to our favorite restaurant and then picked up my favorite ice cream dessert on our way home where we spent the evening breaking in Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. We are having a blast playing that game, by the way! If you have never played one of the Lego video games, I highly recommend doing so. They are hilarious! They have the most impact though, if it is a story you are familiar with. I love the Lego Star Wars games because I enjoy all of the Star Wars movies. Same with Lego Batman. Lego Indiana Jones isn't my favorite though... I've seen all of those movies, but I don't KNOW them, ya know? And of course, Lego Harry Potter is awesome. Brett and I are currently stuck in a bathroom in Lego Harry Potter, so at some point we will get back to that, but for now we are pirating it up!

Wednesday, Brett and I both had church, but on Thursday, Brett gave me the gift of some shopping time alone. I had a few gift cards to use, and I am THRILLED to say that Target served me well. I came home with a new dress and three new shirts, one of which was free thanks to a gift card from Jennifer =-) I love them all and am excited to have something fun to wear! I could still use a few three-quarter sleeve shirts, but I am hoping to find one or two this weekend when I go to a slumber party with my college roomies!

And that's it! I'm now 30. My food (and therefore, in many ways, my life) has been pretty out of control since the move, but I did the best I could buying healthier choices with our budget today, so I am determined to get back on track. I am really ready to start exercising again. And it is SO time because my clothes are getting tight. So starting tomorrow, I will be consuming lots of water, lots of fresh fruit and reasonable portions. Of course, from the get-go, there will be challenges. We have a wedding shower at work tomorrow and we are going to Red Lobster with Brett's mom tomorrow night. It's going to be a really busy week, but all that I am telling myself is to make the best choices I can. And I will not let the week end without some sort of exercise. I'm pathetic, I know. But as some smart guy once said, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step".

Okay, now I'm off to bed. Hope everyone has a GREAT week! I am hoping to get a chance to READ some blogs this week. That would be so nice.

Peace out playas!

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