Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Changes and Change of Plans

It wasn't a bad weekend, but once again, it wasn't what I was hoping for.

This season has been full of sickness for me. Sometimes minor, sometimes major. My allergies have been the worst I have dealt with for many a year. And then I guess it's true what they say: the first year you work in a school, you are going to get sick more than usual. It's just a high concentration of germs every day!

Last Wednesday though, after some unexpected dental work, I ended up being on antibiotics on the same day that I switched allergy medicine. First, let me say thank you Zyrtec! Or Kroger brand knock-off. I am breathing clearly for the first time in WEEKS! Still dealing with the occasional fountain of snot pouring from my nose, but it's nothing compared to the Niagara Falls I've been sporting for a while. That being said, the antibiotics could have had something to do with it as well... the point is, I'm feeling better. My husband on the other hand... oh my.

Brett hates being sick. He responds to it with anger and frustration. So anytime he is under the weather, his attitude is unfortunately going to turn it into something miserable when the same thing, for someone else, could be merely inconvenient. Poor guy. But this time around, he is actually dealing with symptoms that fall into the miserable category! He has had a fever, off and on, since Friday morning. Friday night was ROUGH! He is having major trouble breathing, and all of the drainage is keeping him in the bathroom more than he would like. It's also throwing off his balance, which is scary. So I am feeling better, but my sweet husband is feeling icky, so the weekend was still not all we had hoped.

I got some crafting done though. And I managed to make it to the first two hours of the women's conference at my church on Saturday where God gave me some peace and reassurance on an issue that I will share with you soon.

And who can forget the time change!!! I love love LOVE that extra hour! It really makes a difference for me. I have always been the type whose tiredness depends on the hour I wake up as much as the hour I went to bed the night before. So thank you time change for letting me feel like I'm waking up later!

And my family got together for dinner last night and drew names for Christmas. I'm SO excited that the holiday season is upon us. I'm itching to get out my Christmas decorations... oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Pray for my husband! I hope everyone has a great week. I hope to post again tonight... I want to share what the Lord showed me while it is still on my heart.


Sheila said...

Aww! I just happened across your blog, and I love it. So good to see real life from a real believer. :-)

In Christ,

Lady Fromage said...

I'm all about Kroger Brand knock offs! That's all we buy around my house. Except Ketchup. Gotta go with Heinz on that one...

Love your layout, checking out the rest of your blog now! :)

-Lady Fromage