Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I think I just had an idea... (what movie?)

So the new walking trail that I have fallen in love with but have yet to actually go walk at... it's not that far from my work.

Sometimes I go home for lunch. Like today. Despite the fact that I brought my lunch to work with me, I thought that if I didn't leave at lunchtime, I might die. Or my head might explode. Definitely something bad would happen. So I went home. It takes me fifteen minutes to get there and fifteen minutes to get back, so that gives me thirty minutes to use how I wish. Not bad eh? I think that I could get to the walking trail in 18 minutes. That would give me a good twenty minutes to walk. Not bad.

I think I should think about this!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

What a great way to break up your day!!! Do it!! :)