Sunday, November 22, 2009

So Much To Say...

and nowhere near time to say it right now. It is 12:35 a.m. on the day of the open house. I took Thursday and Friday off of work to finish getting ready and, though there were moments I was afraid it wasn't quite enough time, it paid off. I'm ready.

I just finished bagging everything together. It's all piled in front of the bar and ready for my mom to pick me up at 11:00 a.m. We can be at the house to start setting up at noon so my mom is going to come get me and we are going to stop at Subway to fuel up, then be at the house right at noon. My biggest concern right now is that we won't have a enough room to set everything up. No point in worrying because we can't do anything about it until we get there... hopefully we will figure something out.

I'm exhausted, I have no idea what kind of turnout we will have tomorrow (most people never responded to the evite) but I have to say, I'm pleased. My cards look GREAT! Anything that I don't sell I will proudly mail as a Christmas card to a friend. I also have bookmarks, photo holders, gift tag boxes (these boxes were just begging to be decorated, so I decided they would be the perfect size to hold gift tags) and 10 matching bag and card sets. Those are pretty cute. Both look like Santa. Well, Santa's outfit at least.

As always, it's been way too long since I've posted, so I have a ton to say, but it's time for me to go to bed. I doubt that I will get a chance to post tomorrow night because as soon as I get home from the open house I have to head to a cookout at the pastor's house. It's going to be a very full day!! Thank goodness it will be a short week at work! I love Thanksgiving =-) How can I not when I have so much to be thankful for? More on that later =-)

Peace out playas!

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