Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Abundantly Blessed

First I have to mention, I'm making a Christmas station on Pandora right now and I've used all my skips. Ugh! Some of the junk they are playing... a few times I have closed the window and reopened so I wouldn't have to listen to it. In fact, I think it's time for that once again... I can't handle Up On The Housetop sung by Cecil something or other... Totally enjoying the Dean Martin though!

But that's not the point of this post! I have to tell you about last night.

Brett and I got married in March but we started dating on November 3, 2005. That is the night that I went to his house to watch Star Wars Episode 3, and we held hands, and everything changed =-) It's a fond memory. SOOO we had been a couple for 4 years yesterday!

One day last week I realized that this day was coming and I thought and thought of some way that we could celebrate. Well, I tried to think! But nothing ever came to me. We are totally broke at the moment. And it was a Tuesday! Just couldn't think of anything that felt special. And his schedule is unpredictable right now... he's having late nights but can't really guess in advance which days will be late. So I debated whether or not I should mention to Brett that the momentous day was around the corner. I didn't want him to want to do something nice and not be able to! But the tiny little selfish voice inside of me (sometimes not so tiny) told me that I should mention it because maybe he would sacrifice a day or two of coke money and buy me $5 flowers at Kroger.

Boy oh boy! I am both happy and embarrassed to say that Brett TOTALLY came through and I completely flopped! I didn't even put a love note in his breakfast taco! But he blew me away! I came home last night to find a flower on the door, and it had friends! Inside was a beautiful bouquet of Kroger's finest clearance flowers and Brett slaving away over a hot stove creating my all time favorite meal – chicken parmesan. (Insert Hallelujah Chorus here.) It was SO nice! He told me to sit down and watch whatever I wanted to (woohoo for 30 Minute Meals!!) and he brought me a DELICIOUS dinner! It was so nice. And he told me how much he loved me and it was so sweet and so wonderful.

So I have GOT to do something super sweet ASAP!

We finished the evening by playing our new game, Lego Rockband. Traveler's Tales, you ROCK! The Lego games are so hilarious! This game is so creative and SO cute! I have been kind of burned out on music games for, well, months now. But I was hoping that we would pop this game in and it would reignite the flame! I can't say that I feel like playing the regular Rockbands, but I could play the Lego version for hours! Can and WILL!

So that was my night. I love celebrating with my husband. We're both having kind of yucky weeks at work so I am looking forward to a peaceful weekend with semi replenished funds and a happily replenished pantry!


Anonymous said...

My hubby and I totally celebrate our dating anniversary as well as our wedding one too :)

Glad you have such a sweetie!

Marie said...

that is awesome! Way to go Brett! maybe he should call his ol friend Chris and drop some hints. :) And I just wish I knew our dating anniversiary. I do know it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but it's a little fuzzy after that.