Thursday, August 27, 2009

500 Days of Summer

I saw this movie tonight. I liked it =-) It was happy, and sad, and encouraging and depressing. Covered all the basics. But Joseph Gordon-Levitt... count me in! Has anyone else ever noticed that he looks like Heather Ledger? With the right wig, he could be Heath for Halloween. I have always thought that. Ever since 10 Things I Hate About You.

The dance scene in the movie tonight - greatness! I LOVED it! So cute.

His (JGL) smile is so genuine! So joyful. And when he cried... oh! My heart crumbled! AND my favorite cameo from Garden State, (one of my favorite flicks) Geoffrey Arend, made me giggle! He's so funny!

And of course, any love story, of any sort, makes me thankful for my love. I love Brett =-)

We met for lunch today, for the first time. It felt so married. And I really NEEDED him today! We have been talking about some "future" stuff... changes and goals... and trying to make decisions and I kind of reached a turning point today. So I really needed to talk to him about it. I'm so glad we were both able to meet for lunch. I would have cried (probably literally) if he had said no.

Good day =-) Glad tomorrow is Friday!

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