Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Again

The weekend flew by again. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't help being a little disappointed.

Friday night we had a tasty dinner at On The Border (LOVE that tortilla soup!) and then browsed at Barnes N Noble a bit. Nothing major, but a nice mellow evening.

Saturday came and went bringing us new gadgets and lighter pockets! We got an electric grill, which we broke in Saturday night with some tasty hot dogs! It is SO nice to be able to grill on the balcony and not have to drag the grill, charcoal, food, and grill tools down a flight of stairs and away from the building. I am very happy with what we bought =-) I wish it had been $50 cheaper, but hopefully we will get what we paid for, and the grill will last us the remainder of our apartment grilling days.

And FINALLY, my husband has a fully functional phone again. Brett's phone stopped working reliably just before the wedding. The buttons only worked when they felt like it. Brett works close to home, but he parks in a parking garage. Hello! Every girl, at some point in her adolescence, is taught some self defense or at least ways to identify dangerous situations. Dangerous situation #1? A parking garage! Brett works 2 minutes from home, but every day he was 15 minutes late getting home, my first thought was that he was laying in parking garage, mugged and battered. Not cool! I would tell myself that work ran late, or he was stopping to get me flowers, but I could never shake the picture of battered Brett =-( I feel MUCH better now that he has a phone that dials every time you ask it to! It is a nifty phone and it kept him entertained for the remainder of the weekend.

I had a good Weigh-in, and it was a good meeting at WW yesterday, so I am hoping for another good week. We shopped well, and today is going smoothly so far. One day at a time!

Last night I FINALLY started writing thank you cards from the wedding. I wrote for 2 hours, and I have 20 left to write. I'm not sure I can manage all 20 tonight with the bit of computer work I have to do, but I will give it a try!

I am thankful for the rain today =-) It has been fairly quiet at work so far, and I hope that it stays that way! 

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